News Update – Best of the Day

How much value has social networking for young-people? While a study shows the huge amount of time American children spend on the web, a new study by the University of Virginia shows the benefit of social networking for the well-adjusted.

”The best-adjusted young people were far more likely to use social media as an extension of their positive friendships,” said Assistant Professor Amori Mikami.

Nevertheless, the reverse situation the not well adjusted children are more likely to display material that was hostile and inappropriate, she says.

Some people have been asking me lately if it makes sense to market a local event with social media. Now, abviously it depends on the industry and the importance and relevance of the topics presented at the event. As a general guideline I found this case study on Tim Patterson’s blog.

The main difference between a viral and a traditional (TV or cinema) commercial is that the viral is produced for the web (longer recording and playing time with more than 30 minutes, violating traditional commercial rules and addressing the buzz-effect) to be distributed amoungst web users in social networks. Lisa Barone just told us what it takes to go viral.

“It is the people that you want to see and pass on your content, they’re not necessarily customers.”

PS: This commercial by is one of the latest examples showing a viral commercial production. And, people are discussing about it if it is good or not – this is another benefit you want to achieve with a viral: buzz, buzz, buzz….

News Update – Best of the Day

How many mobile phone users work with the mobile web today? A new study out of the UK states that 76% of mobile phone users don’t use their mobile to access the web. Even worse sounds the fact that 60% of respondents do not own a mobile with Inernet access (though 30% of those are interested in getting one).

Some experts are discussing if e-readers could replace newspapers. A study by the University of Georgia says portable e-readers such as the Kindle are unlikely to win readers back to the newspaper habit. Young adults in particular compared the Kindle DX used in the study unfavorably to smart phones, such as the iPhone or Blackberry. BUT: If these mobile readers include features such color, photographs and touch screens, the markets might change these results.

Many web-experts start to set up their mobile app. But how can you successfully market a mobile app. shares some experience from French app store Ratp and the Paris underground.

News Update – Best of the Day

It sounds unbelievable but a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation states that the average young American spends every waking minute — except for the time in school — using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device. Those ages 8 to 18 spend more than 7 1/2 hours a day with such devices. One hour more than five years ago, when the study was last conducted. And the results does take into account the hour and a half they are texting, or the half-hour they talk on their cell phones.

Social Media trends for business in 2010? Almost all bloggers have written their social media business input and predictions for companies in 2010. Jeremiah Owyang sees four trends – understandable and with the right focus on customers. Take your time for the post…

Sometimes things seem to be worse than they appear to you. And sometimes, they have just a funny turning point like this commercial by Nolan’s cheddar.

News Update – Best of the Day

Content strategy becomes more and more important as customers approach companies and get engaged in company buzz. In order to be prepared companies should have a good content strategy in place. Shay Howe writes about the relevant tactical steps involved in developing a content strategy and offers great case studies with it.

Marketers want to get insight in what kind of advertising are seen and what is not being noticed o the web. The book “Eyetracking Web Usability” offers some answers based on an eyetracking study. Only close to 36% notice ads on a web page. 52% look at purely textual ads, 52% view ads where image and text were separate, 51% of viewers noticed sponsored links on search engine pages. Ads carrying text on top of images is not very successful.

What is the formula of social media success? With Starbucks we have an interesting show case which was summarized by Ayelet Noff that highlight their powerful social media tactics and strategic motivation.

Case Study: Social Media zur Lead Generierung

Eine aktuelle Fallstudie von Breakingpoint (THX to Jeff Bullas) unterstreicht die weitreichenden Möglichkeiten, die das Social Web bei der Lead Generierung offeriert. Im Mittelpunkt der Strategie stehen dabei als taktische Massnahmen integrierte Emailkampagnen und Social Media Ansätze, welche über verschiedene Plattformen angegangen werden. Die Messung der Ergebnisse zeigt vorzeigbare Zahlen…

55% aller Leads kommen von Inbound Web Visits
75% der durch Marketing beeinflußten Pipeline kommen von Inbound Web Leads

Das Fallbeispiel “verordnet” 6 Social Media Schritte, die den Sales Funnel füllen:

1. Erstelle ein Blog, um anzufangen und nimm an der Konversation teil.
2. Setze einen aktiven Twitter-Account auf.
3. Erstelle eine LinkedIn Gruppe (oder Facebook Page, abhängig von deiner Demographie) – Anmerkung: XING Gruppe in Europa ist sicherlich auch nicht verkehrt.
4. Modifiziere Deine Strategie für Pressemitteilungen für Blogger Coverage
5. Promote Social Media Channels auf Deiner Firmen Webseite und in Email Signaturen
6. Messe die Größe der Social Media Accounts und des Web-Traffic

Die Ergebnisse der Social Media Kampagne machen klar, daß es einen starken Zusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung von Social Media Channeln und dem Wachstum des Web-Traffics sowie der Leads gibt. Das Besondere daran ist, daß der Zuwachs des Traffics sich in der Mehrzahl der Leads niedergeschlagen hat. Hier die Ergebnisse nach sechs Monaten Laufzeit:

10,230 Unique Blog Page Views in Q3
280 Twitter Follower
141 Mitglieder in ihrer LinkedIn Gruppe
155% Erhöhung der Unique Visitor

Die Aufsplittung der generierten Leads…

55% Inbound Web
23% Messen
20.5% Email
1.5% Seminare

Durch Marketing beeinflußte Pipeline…

75% Inbound Web
17% Email
4% Seminare
4% Messen

Spot On!
Die Zahlen wirken sehr überzeugend und zeigen die Möglichkeiten, die dem Social Web bei der Lead Generierung beigemessen werden können. Man darf bei der gesamten Euphorie ein paar Dinge nicht vergessen: Die saubere Trennung der Lead-Ursprünge dürfte noch schwierig nachzuvollziehen sein. Und es stellt sich immer die Frage, wieviele der generierten Kontakte man als bestehende Kunden hatte oder ein Salesteam als “Datenbank-Leichen” über Jahre mit sich herumschleppt. Dennoch kann man die Aktivierung solcher Kontakte mittels Social Media als einen fast noch größeren Erfolg im Vergleich zu kostspieligen Outbound-Aktionen werten. Natürlich wäre es wichtig zu wissen, welchen Aufwand an Personal und Budgets man hinter die Anstrengungen gepackt hat im Vergleich zu traditionellen Marketing-Strategien zur Lead Generierung.

PS: Da habe ich Kyle Flaherty (Marketingleiter von BreakingPoint) mal drauf angesprochen. Hier ist seine Antwort

News Update – Best of the Day

Are you surprised when somebody says Facebook is better than Twitter for marketing purpose? Amy Porterfield cites a report by MarketingProfs called ‘The State of the Social Media Marketing’. The report delivers great insight in social media usage by marketers, tactics and strategic approaches.

With the rise of thew social web, governance for social networking in businesses becomes even more important. A recent study by Cisco states that most businesses have no “formal process associated with adopting consumer-based social networking tools for business purposes”.

If you treat your customers like the sales person in this creditbuilder commercial, you won’t make big deals… but you will definitely raise awareness.

News Update – Best of the Day

Best of the DayPeople are asking me quite often, what it takes to become a smarter social businessperson? I was about to write a post about it. But my strategy works along Jeff Jarvis words: “Do what you can do best and link to the rest!”. And yes, I have found that Don Reisinger at Gigacom has written some excellent 10 tips for becoming a smarter social business person. So, why should I…?

Some companies like AUDI let their social community and fans co-create their new design for the car of the future. Vitamin waters newest flavor was created by their brand’s Facebook fans. Matt Rhodes shares the social experiment which is not finished with the launch of the product in March 2010. The success factor for the engagement of the community was a competition (again – incentives are key, it seems)… and for the success? Collaboration…! The co-creation included: choosing the flavor, designing the packaging, and naming the water.

This Doritos commercial makes me laugh… join in!

The Strategy Web – going mobile on an iphone app

The mobile iphone app trend can be heard all over the bloggosphere. We all know the future is mobile and people want to read their preferred social medians on the go. And some web-experts have launched their own iPhone app lately. The Strategy Web (download in iTunes) went mobile with the start of this year 2010 as well…

Two of my favorite web-experts Jeremiah Owyang and Seth Goddin started their iPhone app more or less at the same time. And they all can be read every day, for free. You just have to download it on your iPhone!

Jeremiah and I have chosen the nice developer guys from MotherApp to get our personal version of a real iphone app. It took the guys just one short week to get the app live on iTunes. And this is not only a mobile version of our blog without heavy graphic load in the back-end. This is a true iPhone app with native Apple interface which includes the integration of all the main relevant social media platforms of my social web strategy (except from Facebook): Blog, Twitter and YouTube.

TSW iPhone App As

Above: screenshot of the app start page and latest blog update

TSW iPhone App Bs

Above: screenshot of a post page, YouTube channel, and the Twitter timeline.

MotherApp offers an interesting way to get your brand and content mobile. Even if there is no internet connection the content can be read as it is downloaded. Good work!

Two further iPhone apps I woul dlike to recommend. Take a look at Guy Kawasaki and Brian Solis (he even has integrated location-based features).

This is still an early stages version. Two negative things that will hopefully improve in the future: Brands need a developer to create the iPhone app and only my comments can be seen – not really social web world, I know. But hey, who is perfect…?!

Let me know what you think. Looking forward to your feedback.

News Update – Best of the Day

Best of the DayWhat happens when you ask SMB’s on their social media usage?. Here is the answer: A report interviewed 1,000 small business owners with fewer than 100 employees and wanted to know their attitudes and marketing plans for 2010. The key findings…

31% don’t use social media because their customers don’t use social media.
29% don’t have the time or staff available to do it properly (a well-know problem)
52% plan to devote more resources to cause marketing in 2010.

H&M finds itself in the social media critics after it came out that they are destroying and discarding clothes that they cannot sell. The official H&M Facebook page is quite successful and has nearly 1.5 mio fans. It will be interesting to see how they react and what social media experts will be telling them to do – and how they are working around this “social media storm”. Here are some tips for companies

Trying to find a retrospective for 2009 was a challenge. But I finally found this great video by Rob Cottingham, looking back at 2009 in doodles…