News Update – Best of the Day

How will the future of the workplace look like? I have my views: flexible working hours, mobile offices and driving busness by networking outside of the office. Generally speaking, I love to share ideas and thoughts that I come across like these work displacements. Now that Porsche and VW (partly) banned access to social networking sites, it is interesting to see the other side of the medal. Maybe social networking becomes the main corporate sales strategy in the future. This example shows why the use of Salesforce Chatter could become an optimization of the future workplace.

The good thing about Social Media? People blog about events you could not take part in as they took place when you had meetings, where not in the country, etc. They share their new knowledge and some good case studies of social media campaigns like Juan Martinez who took part in the Social Ad Summit ’10. He tells us about the 5 Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing, he learned from Aaron Shapiro, partner at Huge, Inc..#

One of the succesful modern virals was the Old Spice campaign. AdNews interviewed Isaiah Mustafa on the future of media and on becoming an internet sensation.

Offlinewelt 1.0: Die Wireless-Kampagne

Manchmal liebe ich die um die Ecke gedachte Welt der Kreativen. Und wer hat gesagt, dass Print nicht wirkt? Print wirkt. Wenn man die richtigen Ideen hat… Manche nutzen das sogar, um mal wieder Wireless zu arbeiten.

Sky Deutschland: Kundenservice im Abschreibungsland 2.0

Am liebsten würde ich diesen Post anfangen mit “Es war einmal…”. Denn es fällt einem schwer zu glauben, dass diese Geschichte in der heutigen Zeit nicht erfunden ist. Ist sie aber nicht…!

Es geht um den Kundenservice der Sky Deutschland Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG. Und würde ich mich nicht seit mehr als einem Jahr über den Kundenservice wundern, so hätte ich mir diesen Post erspart. Es ist ein Fallbeispiel der ganz besonderen Art und Wert, geteilt zu werden.

Zur Vorgeschichte…
Vor einem Jahr wollte ich auf HD Receiver und Empfang “upgraden”. Ein Anruf bei der Sky ließ mich wissen, dass es derzeit keine HD-Empfänger für Kabelempfang gäbe. Deshalb könne man derzeit meinen Vertrag nicht gleich hoch stufen. Es würden Gespräche geführt mit dem Hardwarelieferanten HUMAX und solange müsse man eben dann auf seinen HD Empfang warten. Was soviel hieß wie, man könne eigentlich keine neuen Umsätze mit Kabelempfängern machen in Deutschland. Man fragte sich, wie eine Firma unter solchen Umständen ordentliche Umsätze schreiben kann.

Ungläubig gegenüber dieser Information versuchte ich mein Glück über einen Saturn Markt in München und siehe da: Ein Verkäufer am Sky-Stand berichtete nach einem ausführlichen Telefonat von der Option, dass ich zwei Wochen später eine Promotion nutzen könne, die mir den HD-Empfang und Erhalt eines HD-Receivers ermöglichen würde. Ich müsse nur am Telefon in zwei Wochen alles erklären und dann wäre ich auf HD-Empfang.

Zwei Wochen später bestellte ich am Telefon das Angebot, welches die Dame eingab und mir versicherte, in ein paar Tagen sei der Empfänger samt HD-Empfang da. Ich nehme es vorweg. Nein, er kam nicht… Er kam nie.

Wie ich später erfuhr, hatte die Dame nämlich offensichtlich gar nichts eingegeben (oder vergessen zu speichern), denn im CMS gab es zu dem Telefonat keinen Eintrag, als ich zwei Wochen später nachfragte. Auch drei Wochen später, als ich einen zweiten Versuch wagte, klappte es nicht. Wiedermals kein Eintrag auf Nachfrage. Das Special war inzwischen abgelaufen und ich gab auf.

Als ich noch einmal zufällig im selbigen Media-Markt war, fragte ich einen neuen Verkäufer, was man eigentlich mit Premiere Kunden mache, die immer noch einen alten Vertrag haben. Der Sky-Verkäufer sagte stolz, dass im nächsten Jahr alle Verträge -und es seien doch noch zahlreiche- auf Sky umgestellt und die alten aufgelöst werden. Das zweifelte ich an mit dem Argument anzunehmender schwindender Umsätze und hohem Kundenrückgang. Das könne Herrn Murdoch wohl nicht egal sein, bemerkte ich. Zu meinem Erstaunen erwiderte er: “Deutschland ist ein Abschreibungsland für Herrn Murdoch. Da machen Sie sich mal keine Sorgen. Springen die Leute ab, macht Hr. Murdoch das wenig aus.” (Staunen meinerseits.) Aha…!

Ich werde also mal abwarten, ob mein Vertrag nun im kommenden Jahr ausläuft.

Das alles geschah vor ungefähr einem halben Jahr.

Die Gegenwart…
Nun war ich vor einer Woche in London im Hotel und wollte mich auf meinem iPad auf der App auf Sky einloggen. Es war ein Champions League Abend und ich wollte den kostenlosen iPad Service “Alle Inhalte jetzt bis 31. Dezember 2010 kostenlos.” nutzen.

Einloggen ging auch, aber mehr nicht… Nach dem Laden der App gab es lediglich eine Trailer von Sky und danach ging nichts mehr…

“Auf diesem Kanal wird zur Zeit nicht gesendet ” teilte die App mir mit.

Ein Anruf bei der Hotline sagte mir, ich solle schnell eine Mail schreiben, denn für alle Onlinebelange und -mängel sei der Online Kundendienst zuständig. Der Telefonservice könne da nichts machen. “Hier sitzen zahlreiche Menschen für Onlineanfragen vor ihren Rechnern, genauso wie ich am Telefon”, meinte die freundliche Damenstimme. Gesagt, getan – die Anfrage ging an die Online-Hotline. Das war an einem Dienstag! Ich wartete also auf Feedback per Mail. Natürlich wartete ich auf ein Feedback in gewissem Masse in Echtzeit…

Feedback kam – am Samstag darauf. 5 Tage später. Per Post…! Kein Scherz!!! Nachfolgend der Brief – lest bitte selbst…

Jetzt fehlen mir die Worte im Zeitalter Abschreibungsland 2.0…
(Aus Datenschutzgründen wurden bestimmte Nummern und Namen aus dem Schreiben von mir entfernt.)

Spot On!
Sehr passend kommt mir da eine Befragung von novomind heute vor die Augen. Offensichtlich ist Online-Kundenservice in Deutschland immernoch im Hintertreffen. Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass es nach Ansicht der Befragten in 50% der Unternehmen keine Online-Strategie für den Kundenservice gäbe – geschweige denn im Social Web: Bislang würden im Schnitt gerade einmal 2% der deutschen Kontaktaufnahmestellen für Firmen in sozialen Netzwerken agieren, bei externen Dienstleistern wären es immerhin 5%.

Erscheinen nur mir die Zahlen für den Online-Kundendienst in Deutschland erschreckend niedrig? Ist hier nicht schnellstens Nachholbedarf angesagt? Oder greift der Deutsche noch gerne zum Telefon (wie auch ich zuerst)?

Bild: Ingrid Kranz /

The Social CEO – Study offers insight in Top 50 companies

A new study “Socializing Your CEO: From (Un)Social to Social” by Weber Shandwick found out the majority of CEOs from the world’s largest companies —64%— are not social. The definition of “not social” means that the world’s top 50 companies are not engaging online with external stakeholders. It shows us that most of them are not doing publicly visible communications activities.

93% of CEOs in the world’s top 50 companies communicated externally in traditional fashion. These CEOs were quoted in the major global news and business publications and 40% follow the tactic to participate in speaking engagements to an external, non-investor, audience.

“Strong evidence exists that CEOs are not silent in these turbulent times. They are extensively quoted in the business press, frequently deliver keynote speeches at conferences and participate in business school forums. But when it comes to digital engagement externally, CEOs are not yet fully socialized, often with good reason.” (…) “As we continue to track the rise of the Social CEO and chief executives become more comfortable with the new media, we expect that this will change and change fast.” Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Reputation Strategist, Weber Shandwick

The key research findings of a Social CEO were…

– Social CEOs lead companies with higher reputational status. Most admired company CEOs in the study had greater online visibility profiles than less admired company CEOs (41% vs. 28%).
– Social CEOs are multi-channel users when they engage online. 72% used more than one channel (on average 1.8 channels).
– 60% of Social CEOs were American-based companies, 12% were EMEA-based.

“There are several reasons why CEOs are not more Social. Time is better spent with customers and employees, their reputations are at an all-time low among the general public, the return on investment has not yet been proven, legal counsel tends to caution against it and anything that smacks of ‘celebrity CEO’ is a no-win. (…) In this increasingly digital age, CEOs should embrace the value of connectivity with customers, talent and other important stakeholders online. With 1.96 billion Internet users around the world, CEOs should be where people are watching, reading, chatting and listening,” said Gaines-Ross.

Spot On!
In their study Weber Shandwick recommends “six rules of the road” for CEOs to enhance their social reputation and interactivity.
1. Identify best online practices of your peers and best-in-class social CEO communicators. Then establish and stretch your own comfort zone.
2. Start with the fundamentals (e.g., online videos or photos). Inventory and aggregate existing executive communications for repurposing online.
3. Simulate or test-drive social media participation. Understand what you’re getting into before you go live. Start internally although recognize that internal employee communications spreads externally seamlessly.
4. Decide upfront how much time you can commit to being Social. It can range from once a week to once a month to once a quarter or less often. Be your own best judge of what feels right.
5. Craft a narrative that captures the attention of audiences that matter and humanizes your company’s reputation.
6. Accept the fact that Getting Social needs to be part of your corporate reputation management program. Purposefully manage your social reputation as well as your corporate reputation.

Is customer orientation and focus the strategy for a succesful CEO future, or the social approach gaining reputation? Are there other rules you would recommend? How about the efficiency topic – gaining or losing time and productivity? Either way, let us know…

News Update – Best of the Day

A recent international survey of 2,200 mothers shows 81% of children under the age of two currently have some form of online presence — ranging from photos uploaded and shared by their parents, to a full-fledged profile on a social networking site, writes Mashable.

What is the futre of social networking? Everyone would like to know that. Social networking technology becomes more advanced and increased online activity makes more robust data sets available. Social networks are changing the way we interact, yes. But what does that mean and offer to people from a strategic point of view. Greg Satell shares his interresting insights.

Sometimes I don’t know whether commercials are creative or not. Make up your own mind about this Japanese blood pressure ad.

The way to the real-time future of marketing mix

When you hear the term “marketing mix”, what do you think…? Pause! Think… Pause!

Does that sound familiar to you? For some of you it might. To others it blurs as they follow the hypes as new marketing topics that are shouting at them. Or did you listen to their silent tones? Isn’t it better to varify and understand the client before start creating a new marketing-mix.

Watching the latest videos on your Youtube channel, talking to “friends” on Facebook or following the latest conversations on Twitter is one thing. Drawing conclusions out of these conversations on the social web world is another. And taking actions like evaluating adwords versus email versus social network marketing or blogs versus micro-blogs) for your marketing mix afterwards is a third step.

Conclusions might also be that marketers realize that B2B people still read print preferably to online or love real face-to-face conversations. They might find out that these business decision makers think twice before they engage in conversations. Reasons might be social media guidelines or policies. Steps are needed (like social media monitoring) before you start understanding your own marketing mix could pay out (i.e. online and offline focus groups).

Other marketing opportunities have never died although social media still hypes. And there is a reason why the “marketing mix” phrase was created by Neil Borden some years ago. Not only as it is an easy to understand phrase. More as we use it in our daily business as marketers without even noticing anymore. It is in our DNA. It is a necessity. Will it ever be removed? I doubt it…

Isn’t it interesting that we never had something like “The ultimate approach to market your products and services”?

Obviously, there is none. In over 50 years nobody found one. Why that is? Well, the world is driven by human beings and their attitudes to become familiar and aware of new things is a dynamic process. Some people adapt quick, other slower. They prefer to get informed via paper. Some like online (via publisher platforms, social networks or blogs). Some still stay offline (as they are often on planes or trains). Others record TV news programs and watch them on-demand with their iPads. And then others use mobile readers or apps to stay up to date with their favorite brands.

Seeing the social hypes in our business world from an outside perspective, I sometimes get the feeling that marketers have to refocus on where users are in their “adaption of technology evolution”. And not invest all their money in one horse race. Or to use another business anology from a tactical HR point of view: Never let the whole sales team be on the same flight.

Where is the difference in marketing?
Is there one? If all your marketing budget goes on airport billboards and then an oil crisis comes up, the invest equals zero in terms of earn out. Or if you buy just one ad in a service provider catalogue on the web but the world uses Google and cannot find the provider in the first ten results, the budget might be wasted.

Some companies think investing in Twitter or Facebook saves their brands awareness in the future but forget that these sites go down once in a while. And then the data is gone or not accessible. Lucky are those who can be approached from other access points then – be it via a phone call (at most companies I am searching hours for a phone number), at an event promoted with social media maybe, at their corporate website, or the self-hosted community that is not on the popular social networks.

The cocktail of having different access points available, and those interacting with each other, is the marketing mix of the future. Although they might have a single target or focus the are aiming at, the marketing mix should be aligned to one common strategy: Engage the client.

Spot on!
As we are automizing our marketing more and more, we always have to keep an eye open which tools and trends are coming up. As technology evolves quite quickly, human beings tend to forget that they need to adapt their marketing mix accordingly. Having said that it does not mean they have to switch their marketing mix approach immediately. Watch out for the tipping point when your power buyers, your brand vangelists, start using different technology. This is the time when the “adaption of technology evolution” happens…

Just a reminder… – The web is people

Sometimes you come across videos that people don’t know, need to watch and need to LISTEN to. Although this has quite a past already, Jay Rosen of New York University and PressThink still gives the right approach for business decision makers -no matter if B2B or B2C- to understand what the web is…

“The Web is people. That’s what the web is. (…) The web is people connected by computers.” He describes the origins of the World Wide Web. This excerpt was taken from a Carnegie Council panel on April 3, 2008. In my eyes you don’t even have to see the full video, audio, and report. Just watch these minutes and there is enough to think about…

Infographic by InsideView: Social Media – Facts & Figures

It is probably one of the best visuals created on facts and figures around the social web. InsideView put many stats together in one picture such as…

– history of social networks (missing Plaxo though which made me aware of the social networks phenomenon 13 years ago, apart from the leading Asian networks like Tencent/QQ)
– social profiles of the Global Fortune 100
– the world’s most popular brands and their social appearance
– social media reach and usage by country
– the leading B2B social media platforms

Quality or quantity – What counts on "viral" campaigns?

The world is all about business cards. Business cards reflect the contacts that your business is reaching out for. Half a year ago, Samsung found the master of business card throwing and hired him for their new campaign. They filmed his fantastic capabilities with their (new) Samsung Digital Camcorder H205.

In the meanwhile, the video got up to 2,5 Mio views, more than 10.000 ratings, up to 2.500 comments and is number 10 favorite video in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Other interesting stats can be found here. Watch the video again…

Spot On!
Many marketers ask me if such videos -which were widely spread- are successful in my eyes when I see the numbers. This makes me think if campaigns are still valued as of their quantity reach (popularity, clicks, views), not their quality reach (conversational, social and demographic insights). A conversation that is ongoing and best reflected in this study about social media influencers. In my eyes this campaign is definitely more succesful as it gives many insights in new markets, potential client interest, contacts for opportunities and especially tells us which and how countries are using Youtube.

In your eyes, what would you answer refering to this campaign? Would you say this is successful, or not? Curious what you are thinking…